Finding the right fitness regime can be difficult, but that doesn’t mean you need to go it alone. Hiring a personal trainer could be the first step in succeeding in your fitness regimen.

But how to find a good personal trainer? We’ve compiled a list of the dos and don’ts for how to hire a trainer right for you.

Why Hire a Personal Trainer?

Hiring a personal trainer is an excellent way to reach your fitness goals. Personal trainers can offer motivation, give personalized exercise recommendations, and teach you the correct form for your exercises.

When Do You Know It’s Time to Get a Trainer’s Help?

If you’re not seeing the results that you want or if you’re unsure where to begin, a personal trainer could be an ideal solution. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed and frustrated during your fitness journey. A personal trainer is a tool to help you overcome these feelings and start seeing results.

You could be doing the wrong workouts for your goals or doing exercises incorrectly. Hiring a professional will help correct these errors to get you back on the right track.

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How to Find a Good Personal Trainer

There are many places you can find a personal trainer depending on what type of trainer you’re looking for. You can find trainers online, in real life through referrals of friends or family, or through local gyms and fitness centers.

At EveryBitFit, we carefully match our clients with trainers based on their goals, preferences, and the trainers’ specialized areas.

Questions to Ask Potential Personal Trainers

Finding the right personal trainer for you can feel daunting. Here’s a list of topics you should ask a potential personal trainer.

Working Experience and Area of Specialization

Personal trainers are not one size fits all. Each trainer will have different training experiences and specialize in a specific area.

To find the best trainer for you, look for someone who has experience working toward your goals. A client working to become a powerlifter will work better with a trainer with experience in strength training. Whereas a client looking to lose weight could benefit from working with a trainer with a background in exercise science.

Ask for References

A personal trainer is someone you hire to help you reach your goals, so don’t be afraid to ask for references and client testimonials.

A good trainer has a track record of success. Taking the time to ask about clients’ experiences with a trainer can help you find the right trainer for you.

Talk to the Trainer

To find an effective trainer you’ll need to find someone you click with. Make sure that you find someone who understands your goals and motivations. A good trainer understands what your objectives are and is ready to help you reach your potential.

Find Out What the Trainer Charges

Every trainer has their own rate, so consider what the personal trainer’s costs are. Most trainers will have paperwork that outlines what their rates are, their cancellation policy, and liability insurance information.

Liability Insurance and Business Policies

An important factor to consider, but that is sometimes overlooked, is liability insurance. Credible personal trainers will have some form of insurance just in case.

What Are the Signs of a Bad Personal Trainer?

There are several signs of a bad personal trainer. One sign that you should notice immediately is if they’re asking you the right questions. A trainer who has never worked with you before should ask about your fitness goals, your nutrition, or your past injuries.

A good personal trainer should also have certifications, experience, and client success stories. They should be able to point to situations where they have helped clients reach goals that are similar to yours.

Here’s a list of common red flags to watch out for when looking for a personal trainer:

  • They don’t have any references or proof of work experience
  • They guarantee you immediate results
  • They don’t ask about past injuries
  • They try to diagnose you with medical conditions
  • They ask you to sign a contract before the first session
  • They try to sell you supplements
  • They don’t ask about your fitness goals

Are You Looking for a Personal Trainer?

Are you ready to get started? EveryBitFit is here to help you find the right personal trainer to meet your goals. Take the first step and try your first session for free. Schedule a free consultation online or give us a call at 602-743-6867.